Information About
This Site
First, thanks for coming to my website site. I like
seting up a home network and I've been doing computer networking for a good number of years. I have used and
played with all kinds of computers, laptops and networking compontants like, network hub, router, modem, switch,
network card, ethenet card, ethernet cable, tablets, printers and all kinds of wireless hardware
To help you figure out about computer networking and a home network is
this sites sole purpose.
I've learned a lot over the years about computer networking and I'm sharing it
with you on this website. It's presented in the most user friendly way that I know how. I'm sure my home
network help site will allow you to perform a home network setup quickly and with ease.
Thanks for coming by and visiting this site! I'm constantly adding new and
updated information weekly, so keep coming back for more helpful computer networking
Life's all about computers, laptops, tablets and home networking,